One Humanity With Many Stories

This world is a vast and confusing one at times. However, the choices we make as humans can affect many people, including, ones far away. Best selling author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom, once said, “That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” This quote is a very wise and profound one that can be taken in many helpful ways. What this quote means to me is that the actions we make in our short lives are by choice and can affect more than just the close people in it. For example, in The Five People You Meet in Heaven Eddie believes that his terrible father was the reason why he ended up working at Ruby pier for the ending majority of it. However, he learns with help from Ruby, the inspiration for the name Ruby Pier, that his choice to work at Ruby Pier was to have more time to take care of his mother after his father had died. He may have thought that his father was the cause of his “suffering,” but it was only a reason for his decision. This leads me to think that the first sentence, “That there are no random acts,” means the decisions we make as a human in our lives have a purpose even if it is not seen as important at first. In the chapter “The First Lesson,” The Blue Man tells Eddie that he was the cause of him dying. He tells Eddie a story of a day he was playing baseball with his friends. To Eddie this day was nothing but an innocent one spent playing baseball with his friends. However, when Eddie ran out to grab the ball on the road once, The Blue Man veered his car out of the way from Eddie and suffered a series of unfortunate events, causing his death. This shows that anything you do, although not usually as drastically can affect other people’s days, weeks, or even their whole life. That is why it is important for everyone to be courteous of others and prevent harmful words or actions from happening. With this in mind, we can work together to make this world a better and more suitable place for everyone to live in.